Eat. Relax. Enjoy.
Eat. Relax. Enjoy.
Visit one of our recreational areas!
For those displaced by the fires with immediate needs, please email with the word “NEED” in the subject line: stillwaterstrongrelief@gmail.com
Please include in the email:
Phone number
Specific need
Food, shelter, clothing, and animal care.
Someone will reach out to get details and meet the need as quickly as possible.
You can also speak to the Red Cross directly at 1-800-REDCROSS (+1 800-733-2767)
If you need immediate assistance and don’t know where to turn, whether it’s resources, basic necessities, or help navigating next steps, access the website stillwaterok.gov/872/Emergency and emergency workers will connect you with those who can help.
For those wanting to volunteer, please email: stillwaterstrongrelief@gmail.com with the word “VOLUNTEER” in the subject line.
Donation* drop-off at Stillwater Armory (315 E 9th) from Monday thru Friday from 9:00am to noon each day
Items needed:
Bottled Water
Packaged foods/snacks
Pet supplies
Brushes and combs
Phone charging cords
Bleach wipes
Body wash/soap
Pasta and pasta sauce
Bath towels
Plastic tubs
*They are not accepting clothing at this time.
For monetary donations, please go to: unitedwaypaynecounty.org/donate, Please click “YES” on the Stillwater Strong Relief button.
Payne County District 3
(405) 372-7758 rmarkum@paynecountyok.gov
Commissioner Payne County District 1
1-918-225-1330 zcavett@paynecountyok.gov
Payne County Assessor
405-747-8300 jgomez@paynecountyassessor.org
Community members impacted by the fire can pick up donations from the Stillwater Armory (315 E 9th Street):
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
call 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767) or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate.
There are many agencies and resources for donations. Donations are available at the Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater Armory, Alliance Church, just to name a few. Or contact one of the county elected officials’ offices including myself Seth Condley, County Commissioner, D2 at scondley@paynecountyok.gov or 405-747-8338 or Glenna Craig, County Clerk at 405-747-8310 or gcraig@paynecountyclerk.org and we will help you find the resources you need.
Donations can be dropped off at the Expo Center for distribution to firefighters and emergency personnel. Items needed include:
Liquid IV
Sealed food/snacks
Any monetary donations can be made to the American Red Cross.
We, the Board of Commissioners of Payne County, Oklahoma, hereby declare the following:
Severe Fires and Damage to homes and Structures have caused damage to public and private properties within Payne County, Oklahoma, and Said damages have caused an undue hardship on the citizens of Payne County.
It may be necessary to provide for the rendering of mutual assistance among the political subdivisions of the State with respect to carrying out disaster emergency functions During the continuance of the concurrent State emergency pursuant to the provisions Of the State of Oklahoma Emergency Management Act of 2003.
There is hereby declared a disaster emergency caused by the severe fires, straight-line Winds that threatens the lives and property of the people of Payne County and the public's peace, health, and safety.
The Payne County Emergency Operations Plan was activated on March 14th and Resources of all Payne County departments and agencies available to meet this Emergnecy are herby committed to the reasonable extent necessary to protect lives And to prevent, minimize, and repair injury and damage. These efforts shall be Coordinated by the Director of the Department of Emergency Management with Comparable functions of the federal government and political subdivisions of Payne County will be part of these efforts.
This Emergency Declaration shall terminate at the end of thirty (30) days.
Copies of this Emergency Declaration shall be distributed to the Director of Emergency Mangement who shall cause the provisions of this Order to be implemented by all Appropriate agencies of S t a t e government.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the Seal of Payne County, Oklahoma, to be affixed at Stillwater, this 14th day of March, 2025.
Commissioner D1: 918-225-1330
Commissioner D2: 405-747-8338
Commissioner D3: 405-372-7758
County Assessor: 405-747-8300
County Clerk: 405-747-8310
Court Clerk: 405-372-4774
District Attorney: 405-372-4883
Sheriff's Dept: 405-372-4522
Treasurer: 405-624-9431
Expo Center: 405-377-1275
Election Board: 405-747-8350
Extension Office: 405-747-8326
Environmental Enforcement/Solid Waste: 405-372-7758